Her Brotherhood

Her Brotherhood Trailer


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There are several definitions for the term brotherhood, but this is probably one of my favorites. When a group of people all share the same goals and tribulations and support each other, it's not about it Girls or Boys club. It's about a way of feeling and thinking it is about the sense of support that comes along with the historical meaning of that term. Being a part of a brotherhood is probably one of the most meaningful parts of my job in my career. You're listening to her brotherhood. I'm your host, Abbie Bolt. First and foremost about me. I'm a mom, have a little boy who means more to me than anything in the world. And he will always come first. I feel like he's probably the base inspiration, though for me wanting to do something a little bigger than myself. I've been a federal wildland firefighter for 20 years now and then a little. I've seen some of the most beautiful landscapes this country has to offer. I've seen them in all their glory, green and picturesque, and I've seen them blanket in flames engulfed an unstoppable fire. I often forget how interesting some of my experiences can be until I'm sharing him with someone outside the firefighting profession. I see the looks on their face, and I feel their follow up questions, which could be very interesting. Then there's hearing my family attempt to tell my stories and hear how excited they get or how worried about me they were in probably still are. Along the way. I have met a few women who, even though they may not have realized it were my mentors. I like to think that I may be men towards them gals through my career as well as I've shared experiences with other gals in my profession, I realized how amazing their stories were, and I wish that we could all come together to learn from one another if we could share not only our struggles, but successes with each other and young girls coming up so that they can learn from us. How powerful would that be? I realized it wasn't something that women strictly in my male-dominated field needed. I have friends who are cops in the military, FBI, AMS you name it. They're doing these jobs that have a very similar social structure to mine There's a unique quality that comes with each of those women that they have. And it's nothing short of inspiring to hear their adventures, their trials, tribulations, and successes to know how they made it through certain moments that defined that or maybe how they didn't make it through it all. I just want you to know that this isn't some ranting platform. This is about the women in the field making it happen every day while keeping you and your loved ones safe. This is about the women who put their lives on the line every day to protect and serve people they have never even met. The stories they have to share are unlike any other work-related experiences in the world and their shared from women doing the job who can sometimes have a different outlook than them and they're taken be extremely interesting. We want to celebrate these women not only on the job but office. Well, who are they? What defines them? I wanna learn why they've made the choices that got them to this current place in their lives, what the regrets they have, or maybe the things they like to repeat even more valuable is that other women and young ladies wondering if they can tackle the same challenges will hear these stories and be inspired. The Mission is to provide an outlet to celebrate and support the women who are a part of a brotherhood. So I ask you, please come with me on this adventure and be a part of her brotherhood. You can follow us on Facebook Instagram or head to her brotherhood.com. Her brotherhood is not only for women. It's for anyone who cares to be inspired by or learn more from the women who take risks to protect them every day. It won't all be emotionally easy to listen to. You'll laugh. He will cry. You will roll your eyes. But the awesome thing is, now you'll know.