Her Brotherhood

Headlines that Inspire #1 *Premier*

Abby Bolt Episode 5

Welcome to the first edition of HBH Highlights that Inspire with me, Abby Bolt where I take a little time to share with you some of the most interesting and inspiring news stories around the world.

If you hear of an inspiring headline feel free to send it to me at media@herbrotherhood.com

This particular story has been plastered across this internet this week and it is no secret as to why

Woman becomes first female marine to pilot F-35B fighter jet

Marine to pilot F-35B fighter jet 

A woman who attributes her success to "showing up prepared and working diligently" has become the first female Marine to pilot a F-35B fighter jet.

U.S. Marine Capt. Anneliese Satz, 29, of Boise, Idaho, completed the F-35B Basic Course on June 27, the Marine Corp announced in a press release last week.

Satz trained for four years, including in Corpus Christi, Texas, and Meridian, Mississippi, before arriving at Marine Corps Air Station in Beaufort, South Carolina, in July 2018. She took her first flight in the F-35B Lightning II Joint Strike Fighter, the first-ever supersonic short takeoff/vertical landing stealth aircraft, in October 2018.

The first flight was done solo — something that Satz said she was prepared for thanks to her training, which included practice time in simulators and written exams.

“The syllabus thoroughly prepares you for that first time you take off and for every flight after that, it’s an exhilarating experience,” she said in the press release.

The Marines said Satz, who has more than 300 flight hours, will now join a unit called the Marine Fighter Attack Squadron 121, the Green Knights in Iwakuni, Japan.

Before joining the Marines, Satz was a commercial pilot flying helicopters. She said her helicopter piloting and training schools helped her live up to her potential.




Arkansas girl jump-starts campaign for female plastic toy soldiers

A 6-year-old girl has provided a strong kick to a campaign to create female versions of the iconic green Army men figures after sending a powerful letter to several toy manufacturers.


After getting her hands on the 2-inch-tall toy, Vivian Lord of Little Rock, Arkansas quickly realized there are no women figures — not even in the pink set.

“I saw the pink ones but [those] aren’t girls and [people] in the Army don’t wear pink,” she wrote in her letter, as reported in Military Times.com.

One of the recipients of the letter was Jeff Imel, an executive with Scranton, Pa.-based BMC Toys, who quickly responded with an “overdue update” of an ongoing project to fashion the female figures.


“The general concept is a set of female combat toy soldier figures in the style of the plastic Army men from WW2-Cold War era that would blend in with existing figures from a variety of manufacturers and look like what the average person thinks of as ‘

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Speaker 1:  0:04 
Welcome to the first edition of our brotherhood headlines with me Abby bolt, where I take a little time to share with you some of the most interesting and inspiring news stories around the world. If you know of an inspiring headline, feel free to send it to me at media at her brotherhood.com Now let's get on to the latest stories. A woman who attributes her success to showing up prepared and working diligently has become the first female marine to pilot one of these fighter jets. US Marine Captain Annelie SATs 29 in Boise, Idaho, completed the first f 35 basic course on June 27. The Marine Corps announced in a press release last week. SATs trained for four years including in Corpus Christi, Texas, and Meridian, Mississippi before arriving at Marine Corps Air Station in Buford, South Carolina in July 2018. She took her first flight in the F 35 lightning to Joint Strike Fighter the first ever supersonic short takeoff vertical landing stealth aircraft in October of 18. The first flight was done solo something that sat said she was prepared for things to retraining which included practice time in simulators and written exams. The syllabus thoroughly prepares you for that time you take off and for every flight after that, it's an exhilarating experience. She said in the press release, the marine said SATs who was more than 300 flight hours will now join a unit called the Marine Fighter Attack Squadron 120 run the green knights and Eva Cooney, Japan before joining the marine SATs was a commercial pilot flying helicopters. She said her helicopter piloting and training schools helped her live up to her potential. In Arkansas, a little girl jumpstarts campaign for female plastic toy soldiers. This one really hits my heart pretty well. a six year old girl provided a strong kick to a campaign to create female versions of the iconic green army men after sending a powerful letter to several toy manufacturers. After getting her hands on the two inch tall toy. Vivian Lord of Little Rock Arkansas quickly realized there are no women figures, not even in the pink set. I saw the pink ones but those aren't girls and people in the army don't wear pink. She wrote her letter as reported by Military Times calm. One of the recipients of the letters was Jeff ml, an executive with Scranton, Pennsylvania based BMC toys who quickly responded with an overdue update of an ongoing project to fashion the female figures. The general concept is a set of female combat toy soldier figures in the style of plastic army men for more war to Cold War era there would blend in with existing figures from a variety of manufacturers and look like what the average person thinks of his little green army men that just happened to be a woman he wrote. Women in 2016 make up 14% of the Army's enlisted ranks and 18% of all army officers were female. While several manufacturers produce the green army men featured in such movies as Toy Story. Mr. Mel said that he is developing the figures as toy soldiers that are an extension of the generic army men universal pop culture rather than historically accurate hobby models. It is almost certain that the toy would be created in the standard army green but it remains unclear whether his version would be manufactured in pink, which may not be warmly received by the six year old soccer player. Some girls don't like pink, Vivian argued So please, you can make army girls that look like women. She wrote that if the female plastic soldiers are produced she would play with them every day and my friends would too. You can find more news on that story in our show notes. The San Jose police department is holding a career day for women. It's highlighting job opportunities and participants can talk with female officers and other personnel about what daily duties there are with the department learn law enforcement tactics, engage in practice and roleplay exercises and have an opportunity to practice the physical agility exam. The department is hiring officers 911 dispatchers and call takers and records police data specialists. Take a look at the show notes for more info. In northfolk, West Virginia, a firefighter finds purpose in family and career a terrible car accident, a serious medical issue a house burning out of control. When most of us are faced with an overwhelming emergency, there's only one thing we can do and that's call someone like Trisha Faiman. She's a probationary firefighter medic at the Norfolk fire division and she specializes in helping to set right situations that require a high level of expertise. She also happens to be the only current full time female firefighter nor folk she is held to the same physical standards and training requirements as her male co-workers whose she said are supportive and always pushing her to reach her potential. I don't know that I'm treated any differently and in fact with a particular shift that I'm on I've known some of the guys for longer than I've even been a part of the norfork family Damon said she met some through a previous work hater Volunteer Fire and Rescue and some through the firefighter combat challenge. The camaraderie of everybody in the department is what I think I love the most. I'm not saying we don't have our brother and sister fights from time to time. That's just what families do. But those guys are my A family away from family she said
in pa Michigan Fire Department hires first female in departments history raelynn degroff like others in the pop off Fire Department come from a long line of firefighters. She said joining the department was something that was destined to happen. raelynn said her grandfather, her uncle and her dad were all volunteer firefighters for papaw. As a child, she remembers riding in the fire truck with her dad. It was then she knew she was going to be a firefighter degroff started in November as a junior firefighter. She said being in a male dominated career does have its challenges. Her advice for the women who want to get involved, just go for it. If you can dream it, you can do it. It's been my dream since I was eight and I'm here said to Groff NPR recently did a very interesting story titled their tough mom was also the Navy's first Asian American woman officer, two siblings flip and Christine kuti, Suzanne and Katie was mom, but she was also a Korean American lieutenant in the US Navy, who trained pilots to shoot down enemies during World War Two. It wasn't until historian john Shaw's biography of Susan was published in 2002 that her children learn about many of their mother's accomplishments. Mom was basically a trained killer flip now 64 said in an interview with Christine 69 at StoryCorps last year, she's a much different parent than you know someone who owned a bakery. For more information on all these stories and links mentioned in the episode, take a look at the show notes. Don't forget to share and subscribe to her brotherhood for more headline updates and riveting interviews of women who put their lives on the line.