Her Brotherhood

Headlines that Inspire #2

Abby Bolt

Welcome to HBH Highlights that Inspire with me, Abby Bolt where I take a little time to share with you some of the most interesting and inspiring news stories around the world.

If you hear of an inspiring headline feel free to send it to me at media@herbrotherhood.com

Female police sergeants take charge

Lawrence Township Pennsylvania 

Police Sergeants Crystal Panebianco and Julie Curry have demonstrated that women can not only make a career as police officers — but flourish.

A former Denver Bronco, a boxer and a “helitack” crew member join Denver Fire Department

The Denver Fire Department’s newest class of firefighters will go down in history as the most diverse in the department’s history and will chip away at its goal of bringing more women into its fire houses.

The graduates, who received their badges in a Friday ceremony, included a former Denver Broncos tight-end, two female military veterans, a female “helitack” firefighter, who rappelled from helicopters to battle blazes, and a professional boxer.

Six of the 23 students were women, making this batch of female firefighters the largest in Denver’s history. The department now has 59 women out of 1,042 firefighters, a 5.6% rate that exceeds the national average, which is typically from 3% to 3.5%, said Capt. Greg Pixley, the department’s officer in charge of recruiting and outreach.
Cassie and Taylor said they hoped their recent swearing in to the firefighting family would encourage other girls, and women, to pursue the career. Taylor even noted she graduated third overall in her class. Cassie was happy to show she could be hired on to the force at the age of 34, after a career in the military.

First female K-9 officer and her partner patrolling Thomasville Georgia

Officer Haley Jensen joined Thomasville Police Department in December 2017 and completed K-9 handler training in October 2019.

“When I joined TPD, becoming a K-9 handler was my dream job,” Officer Jensen stated. “Being able to make my dream come true while serving and protecting my community is a great feeling.” 

The dream didn’t come easily, though, she said. “I had to successfully complete a rigorous K-9 tryout and attend a four-week K-9 handler training course with my K-9 partner, Kaiko.”

“Officer Jensen has always demonstrated the skills, ability, performance, and attitude to succeed,” said TPD Chief Troy Rich. “She is an impressive officer with the drive to be the best in everything that she does.” 

Jensen’s partner, Kaiko, is a two-and-a-half-year-old Dutch Shepherd who was already a certified K-9 for law enforcement prior to Jensen receiving him. He also underwent extensive training in order to serve and protect our community alongside Jensen.

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Speaker 1:  0:06
Welcome to the next edition of her brother had headlines where we discuss some of the top headlines around the nation and around the world for that matter. So let's get right into it. In Lawrence Township, Pennsylvania female police sergeants take charge. Police sergeants Krystal Pena Bianco and Julie Curie have demonstrated that women cannot only make a career as police officers but for it nationally less than 13% of full time police officers are women. In small to medium sized police department that number drops between six and 8%. And for women in leadership positions, the percentages are even smaller. About nine and a half percent for first line supervisors are held by women and about 2.7% of police chiefs are women. But at the Lawrence township police department which boasts 10 full time police officers both of its origins are women with only chief Douglas Clark above them in rank. Curry said police departments nationally are having a difficulty recruiting new new officers not just females. She said part of the reason is a stringent requirements. In Pennsylvania for example, those who want to become police officers have to pass rigorous physical fitness tests passed to psychological examinations have a clean criminal record and past 720 hours or about six months of police academy training to work in a high stress profession that has difficult hours. It takes a unique person to do this job. penne Bianco said that she decided to become a cop somewhat later in life. She was 26 years old when she became a police officer. She started out at the Petersburg Police Department before joining the Lawrence township police department in 97. Curry said she always wanted to be a cop and attended Junior police academies as a child like Pat and Bianco said she wanted to make a difference and help people and I just love working in the law curry said and I love studying human behavior. In addition to having a bachelor's degree in criminology, curry has a master's degree in social work. She joined the Lawrence township police department in 2003 after completing her Academy training. As supervisors the sergeant's act is officers in charge at crime scenes and accidents. They write evaluations for each of the officers under their command and offer them assistance and guidance as well as discipline and reprimands. All of the police officers in the department from the chief on down perform patrol duties and make arrests. The sergeants also assistant investigations, especially when the younger police officers are involved. in Denver, Colorado, nearly two dozen new firefighters were sworn in to the Denver Fire Department, many of which were women in a male dominated profession. Some of the new female fighter firefighters said they were thrilled to prove that women can succeed in fighting fires. One headline read a former Denver Broncos a boxer and a Hello tag crew member join Denver Fire Department. The fire department's newest class of firefighters will go down in history as the most diverse in the department's history and will chip away at its goal of bringing more women into its fire houses. The graduates who receive their badges in a ceremony included a former Denver Broncos Titan two female military veterans a female hell attack firefighter who repelled from helicopters to blaze bat battle blazes and a professional boxer. Six of the 23 students were women making this batch of female firefighters the largest in Denver's history. The department now has 59 women out of 1042 firefighters, a 5.6 rate that exceeds the national average, which is typically from three to 3.5% said that said Captain Greg pixley, the department's officer in charge of recruiting and outreach the first female canine officer and our partner patrolling in Thomasville Georgia. Officer Hayley Jensen join Thomasville police department in December of 2017 and completed canine handler training in October of 19. When I joined TVD becoming a canine handler was my dream job OFFICER JENSEN stated, being able to make my dream come true while serving and protecting my community is a great viewing. The Dream didn't come easily though. She said I had to successfully complete a rigorous canine tryout and attend a four week canine handler training course with my canine partner can't go OFFICER JENSEN has always demonstrated the skills, ability, performance and attitude to succeed said Tpd chief Troy rich, she's an impressive officer with the drive to be the best in everything that she does. Jensen's partner Keiko is a two and a half year old Dutch shepherd who was already certified canine for law enforcement prior to Jensen receiving him. He also underwent extensive training in order to serve and protect our community alongside Jensen. That is all that I have for you for today's headlines. I hope that they were a little bit inspiring and they gave you some ideas something you want to pass on to someone else. And send me any news stories that you think would be worth noting in our brotherhood headlines. Check out our brotherhood calm, Abby, bold, calm, look at the show notes support us. We support you. And it's been an honor to serve you. Have a great day.